transformation with Leslie

Desire Is Your Motivation

Welcome to yourself. We all live in two worlds, the external and the internal. Although we can influence the external world, it is within our internal world where we will make the most difference in ourselves and with those around us.

By changing our own negative core beliefs into a positive energy exchange between head and heart, we transform and so do the things that surround us.

Are you ready to get out of your own way?

Beginning your journey

You and I will begin our journey by defining your aspiration and the results you wish to achieve.

We will define where you are at right now in your life with complete authenticity, vulnerability, and transparency. This will enable us to identify where the obstacles come from and bridge the gap between where you are now and where you wish to be.  I will help you discover all the things that block you from reaching your highest potential and making your dreams come true.

Slaying Dragons

Together, we will slay the dragons and then I will help you sculpt your dreams and develop a plan of action to achieve success.

Your sculpted dream will not only work but it will also be enjoyable.  Those that have already achieved true results in love, lifestyle, career, and health, at the uppermost peak and sincere level, model this plan of action.

Your Individual Needs

We will work very closely and I will design a plan to match your individual needs.  You will be empowered with extraordinary control and you will make colossal intellectual accomplishments. You will be held accountable by me as I identify with you, monitor, manage and support your desired outcome.

Our collaboration will give you true clarity, but you must step up to the plate and commit with passion, focus and unbridled determination to achieve your goals in love and life.

Effective Resources

You will gain all the resources you need to effectively improve the quality of your personal and professional life. I promise you an experience that will not only broaden your horizons, but that will be more enlightening than you have ever imagined.

Your participation in our success will not be effortless, but it will be extremely rewarding.


Personal Development Coaching is about uncovering and maximizing the skills, qualities, and creativity that have been inside each of us since birth. These skills are our gifts and they rightfully belong to us; we can never lose them, but we can lose sight of them.

As a Personal Development Coach, it’s not only my job to help you uncover these inner-gifts with proven and effective methods, but to listen, empathize, and rapidly guide you back to the path you wish to be on with love and caring. I care about your results, but more than that I care about you as a human being. There is no judgment in personal development coaching, just caring and support.

Most of us have had a coaching experience before, with our friends and family. However, the difference a Life Coach brings to the table is incredible. Because coaches have broad experiences that most clients haven’t been through and because we are trained to effectively identify high-impact areas of improvement for others, we allow people to see easy steps back to where they want to be.

There is still work to do, however. Changing the course of one’s life takes effort, but with a coach at your side, you have somebody to show you better methods for change, cry with you when things are tough, and root for you when you’re making it all work.

A Personal Development Coach can assist you with:

  • Career advancement
  • Confidence and self belief
  • Financial success
  • Health and wellness
  • Cultivating relationships
  • Spiritual awareness
  • Work/life balance

The Personal Development Coaching process often involves exploring our attitudes, beliefs and values, identifying our goals in life, overcoming obstacles that keep us stuck and setting specific, time-dated milestones to help us reach them. A Personal Development Coach becomes your accountability partner for these goals, keeping you committed and aligned with your values. Like an athletic coach, a Personal Development Life Coach lifts you to new heights with your skills and success. I work from the inside out, allowing you to achieve rapid and meaningful results.

NLP is short for Neuro-linguistic Programming, a practice that examines the reasons behind how we think, behave and interact with the world and each other. In essence, we are all “programmed”, much like computer software. The program wasn’t chosen for us but it is the culmination of all our interactions from birth until this moment. It is from this type of programming all of our beliefs stem and how we feel about the world and our habitual behaviors.

The practice of NLP, then, is to understand and correct any destructive beliefs and behaviors; to rewrite the program. A practitioner of NLP builds bridges between the conscious and unconscious mind, writing a new program for the “user” or client.

While life coaching focuses on modifying behaviors and focusing on goals, NLP really gets to the root of the problem by changing patterns and habits, instead of merely altering external symptoms.

NLP can help you heal from:

  • Depression
  • Stress and anxiety
  • Trauma
  • Emotional abuse
  • Physical and sexual abuse
  • Rape
  • Self-consciousness
  • Limiting beliefs
  • Phobias and fears

To rewrite the program, NLP uses a series of techniques and strategies to do the following:

  • Manage stress and anxiety
  • Release us from negative or traumatic experiences
  • Dismiss fears
  • Deal with depression
  • Cultivate meaningful relationships
  • Correct and prevent self sabotaging behavior
  • Unveil and replace negative beliefs
  • Become trustworthy and trusting of others
  • re-frame negative experiences for more positive use
  • Practice self forgiveness and the forgiveness of others
  • Build confidence and self-esteem
  • Create and plan for future goals

How long will NLP take?

While some people adopt regular NLP sessions as a way to live a more positive and fulfilling life, the amount of time and number of NLP sessions required to overcome a specific challenge is best determined during a free consultation.

DreamSculpting® is a powerful process by which participants align their subconscious, conscious and higher conscious minds to achieve amazing results. The process involves setting goals, however ambitious or mild, and developing a plan to make those goals happen in a way that creates harmony and balance.

By focusing on aligning your environment, conscious will, and unconscious mind with your higher consciousness, DreamSculpting® forms a truly holistic approach to the achievement of major life goals and milestones. Imagine being able to learn the secrets behind great successes like Apple and Ideo, being able to orchestrate meaningful change in yourself and others, in all areas of life, then having the ability to program your subconscious mind to remember them for you.

With your goals installed in the deeper parts of your subconscious mind, planning is easy and feels natural, as if it’s coming from inside you. That’s because it is. DreamSculpting is the ultimate inside-out approach to changing your life completely.

If you’re tired of always putting your ideas and big plans off until an ever-elusive “tomorrow”, you’re not alone. To quote the great Tony Robbins, “tomorrow never comes”. We keep putting our dreams off because it’s easier than facing the blank canvas. DreamSculpting® helps you place the first brush stroke and then creates a solid framework for you to imagine possibilities, install positive beliefs, and plan the future you want.

The 7 Principles of DreamSculpting®

  1. The conscious, subconscious and higher conscious minds must be cultivated and aligned to achieve amazing outcomes.
  2. The conscious, subconscious and higher conscious minds are different, each has a purpose and each has its strengths:
    1. Conscious Mind: this is how you are reading and comprehending the words on this page. You’re aware of them, just as you’re aware of the sounds in the background and the light from the computers screen.
    2. Subconscious: this is why you feel fear when you’re walking alone in the dark; it’s why certain smells bring up pleasant memories; it’s how you feel about your neighbor, the cup of coffee on your desk, or the terms Tea Party or Progressive. This is where our deepest beliefs are installed. They aren’t immediately accessible via the conscious mind; we must use specialized techniques to reach this part of our mind, but it is completely possible and necessary for change.
    3. Higher Conscious Mind: this is our connection to the divine, to the unknown and to Infinite Intelligence. This is where inspiration, innovative ideas, and intuitive solutions come from. This is where love and connection come from. We are all connected through our higher conscious minds. Ever wonder why you simply “click” with certain people? This is the higher conscious mind at work. This is where deeply held beliefs from the subconscious mind manifest themselves and where the Law of Attraction takes its cues from. The higher conscious mind is the delivery mechanism of everything in the universe.
  3. The subconscious mind is usually the culprit behind sabotaging ourselves. Because deeply held, negative beliefs reside here, they often compete with our conscious desires and create a misalignment. Because the subconscious mind drives our automatic behavior, it causes us to keep living the story we’ve already written instead of the story we want to play out.
  4. All goals require action. Actions are best guided by a plan that is in alignment with our goals.
  5. Our environment strongly influences our behavior and the beliefs our subconscious installs. We can, and should, mold our environment to help us achieve our goals more effectively.
  6. Our goals must create balance with other positive areas of our lives such as Health, 
Career Success, 
Wealth, Love and Relationships, 
Family and Friends, 
Exploration and Creativity

, Service, Personal Growth, and Spirituality. Without this balance, our life will feel lacking.
  7. We can communicate with our higher conscious minds directly and command that our desires be fulfilled via the Law of Attraction.

Most people fail on their own because they don’t have alignment between the three parts of their minds. They have negative or conflicting beliefs installed in their conscious minds and haven’t sharpened the use of their higher consciousness.

It doesn’t have to be that way anymore. With DreamSculpting®, there is a powerful way forward; a map to help you live life to the fullest, with balance, harmony, and love.

Hypnotherapy is a skilled verbal communication, used during hypnosis, which helps direct a client’s imagination in such a way as to bring about intended alterations in sensations, perceptions, feelings, thoughts, and behavior. In a typical hypnotherapy session, the hypnotherapist will ask the client questions about previous medical history, general health and lifestyle. The hypnotherapist and client will decide together on the changes or goals that are desired.

Hypnotherapy is a method used to create subconscious change in the form of new responses, thoughts, attitudes, behaviors, and feelings that will have a positive effect on your life. To install these new behaviors and beliefs, you’ll enter a state of hypnosis, a heightened sense of awareness, suggestibility, and responsiveness.

The aim is to open up your unconscious mind and suggest new courses of action and solidify the beliefs behind those actions. This is a true inside-out approach, as it causes us to neutralize the limiting beliefs deep within our core selves.

A typical session could include discussion of your medical history, overall health and lifestyle choices. With your goals in mind, we’ll decide a course of action to pursue together, whether they are improved performance in your career, better work/life balance, or dealing with a nasty habit.

Types of Hypnotherapy

I use various types of hypnotherapy methods, depending on my client’s needs and personality. It’s very important to me that there is a perfect fit between you and the technique we choose to employ.  Here are a couple the modalities I use:

  • Traditional Hypnosis: I give direct suggestions to the unconscious mind. This type of hypnosis works well with those who accept what they are told.
  • Ericksonian Hypnosis: I use metaphors to give suggestions and ideas to your unconscious mind. This can be very effective because it helps to eliminate the resistance to change that may come from the conscious mind.

Hypnotherapy Services

These habits, trauma, life events, and skills can be helped with Hypnotherapy:

  • Quitting Smoking
  • Weight Loss
  • Reduce Stress
  • Self-Confidence
  • Communication Skills
  • Relaxation
  • Anger Management
  • Insomnia
  • Pain Management
  • Phobias
  • Motion Sickness
  • Relationship Enhancement
  • Improved Libido
  • Past Life Recognition
  • Balancing Body, Mind, and Spirit
  • Coping With Grief
  • Memory and Recall
  • Problem Solving
  • Job Interviews
  • Preparing For Tests
  • Stage Fright/Public Speaking
  • Stressful Work Situations


When you want to understand how the intuitive works, it’s helpful to also understand and focus a bit on psychic work. These two work on a similar path. The main difference is that psychics must decode and make clear the insight they receive on the psychic level. Interpretation comes before understanding.

Insight to the intuitive comes as sparks that don’t need processing. Many seem to come out of nowhere. Some examples are a mother’s intuition or gut instinct. We experience intuition throughout the day with nudges, ideas, vibes, and inspiration. Perhaps you get a feeling like a warning. If your psychic senses aren’t being used, intuition fills that role as well.

The delivery of our intuition comes to us as our own thoughts. It is our own voice. Intuition bridges where we are and the pulse of the universe.

One of the purposes of intuition is to gain clarity and find epiphanies. It’s often personal, expressing thoughts on the journey of life we are undertaking. When intuition is followed it grows clearer and happens more often. The more it’s used, the more active and robust it becomes.


Empathy is sometimes confused with sympathy. In sympathy for example, if a friend is sad, we become sad and experience what they are experiencing. In the midst of this, you may lose yourself and lose the big picture. You may not be able to see clearly.

Empathy is coming alongside someone. You are in your own space at the same time you are aware of what they are encountering. In this space, you can gain clarity without immersing yourself totally in the feeling. For example, someone may be feeling exhausted. An empath will feel the exhaustion and connect but is still able to offer insights. Empaths are highly sensitive to other’s emotions and are good listeners.

Empaths heal as they share the experience with someone who may feel that no one else gets them. People feel that an empath knows where they are coming from. They can see through other people’s lens and through their own lens at the same time.

Empaths may also be psychic. Empathy is used to relate to a person and to heal. At the same time, tapping into their psychic capacity helps them figure out issues.  Empaths who don’t use their psychic abilities often fall into other people’s feelings or get ill. It’s helpful for empaths to use both abilities.

meet Leslie

Leslie Jo Saul, Personal Development Coach

Leslie J. Saul,

Personal Development Coach

I’m a Personal Development Life Coach ready to walk with you side-by-side into your stories. Together we’ll uncover the truths, discard the lies, and create new stories – stories that meet the needs of today. Stories that help individuals, groups, and couples shed limitations to move forward with clarity, confidence, and purpose in all areas of life.

As a Personal Development Life Coach, my approach is holistic and collaborative. We’ll work from the inside out to name your goals, identify what’s holding you back right now, and design a course of action to get you where you want to go.

gratitude & love

"I interviewed numerous companies before hiring Leslie, because of her ability to quickly grasp the scope and nuances of what I do when no one else could."

R Lipman,
Co-Founder-ProSocial Global Philadelphia, PA

"I have a bunch of new tools I can use when needed and a very clear understanding of my individual needs, wants and goals."

M. Cohen,
ABOC Team Leader-Luxottica San Diego, CA

"Leslie truly wants to help others live a better life and she's very accessible and responsive."

Leslie G
Marketing Consultant, Philadelphia

"Through her tutelage and interwoven daily practices, you will find a consistent level of happiness regardless of life's external circumstances."

Hannah Wilner
President-Achieve International, LLC Houston, TX

"Leslie has been an indispensable part of my journey, and I know I would not be where I am or who I am without her."

Robert Meekins,
CEO, Med School Tutors NY, NY

communication & connection

    Personal DevelopmentPremarital CommunicationGroup/Team TrainingOther

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