
15 Dazzling Sex Life Jumpstarters

Jumpstart Your Sex Life Sex! Sex! And more SEX! Now that I have your attention. Sex rocks, so get ready to jumpstart your sex life! All in agreement say aye! No matter what you’re into, be it kinky, fetish, role-playing, wild, tantric, slow, and soft or hard-core hair pulling Hi Ho Silver Away, sex with your significant other is one of the greatest gifts we are given. I was speaking with my cousins and friend or two this week about just that. Long gone are the days when we looked at our grandparents knowing they weren’t getting it any anymore. [...]

8 Things You Can Do Better Now To Change Your Life

8 Things To Change Your Life Now. Change Your Life Now In the months of May and June it seemed like everyone I know was going through some type of suffering and transition, myself included. For many of us there seems to be a higher level of change than usual, from taking a new job, adjusting to parenthood, additional responsibility, loss of a loved one, caring for an elderly parent, starting a new relationship, moving, ending a relationship, or letting go of aspects of being that no longer serve us. The first thing to go usually is the [...]

5 Wonderful Reasons to Carve Out Some Time To Yourself

When was the last time you gave time to yourself? Time to yourself “I don’t have time for that.” “There just aren’t enough hours in the day.” “It would be selfish to spend some time on me.” “I’m way too busy…” All of the above are things that people tend to say when someone suggests they take a break or some time to themselves. We all know that it can be challenging to carve out time alone to do what we love, but it’s important to realize that doing so is far from selfish; it’s a necessity for staying [...]

Knockout 4 Negative Self-Talk Habits Now

Knockout Negative Self-Talk Knockout negative self-talk It sounds a bit cruel, but you are the only person that you’ll be able to count on for your entire adult life. Lovers may leave; parents may pass away. And friendships? Well, they may flop. What’s more, if you’re like much of the population, your siblings may be scattered across the nation, making flying out to see them every time you have a crisis simply unfathomable. Therefore, you should really be investing more in your relationship with yourself. This includes breaking bad habits and taking sound care of both your mind [...]

5 Tips to Minimize a Procrastination Problem

Is procrastination a problem? Is Procrastination a problem? Do you find yourself scrolling aimlessly through e-mails and social media at the very thought of having to accomplish something productive on your laptop? Maybe you frequently decide that minor tasks at work can wait until after lunch, and then ‘forget’ about them until they all pile up. Perhaps you do your procrastination ‘productively’ by filling your time with another task that also needs to be completed. There are endless ways to procrastinate! You may even be procrastinating this very moment by reading this article. Unfortunately, there are even more [...]

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