Avoiding the top 5 mistakes girls make with guys.
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The Huntress
Girls have all the power in the dating relationship. I know…you don’t want me to say that out loud, but it’s true. Still, with all of the momentum girls already have, there are still a number of mistakes girls make with guys that can be real relationship killers.
Look, the truth is that guys aren’t that complicated. I mean really; you feed them, stroke their egos a little, give them that look, (Yes…that look.) and splash on a generous amount of that “come hither” perfume, and they will basically follow you anywhere. Even if that is a little bit of an oversimplification, it’s not too far off the mark. However, just to help you avoid some of the most common pitfalls, here are the top five mistakes girls make you can avoid.
Mistake #1 – The Huntress
The truth is that guys still don’t like to be pursued straight out by a girl. This may seem a little old-fashioned, but a girl who is on the prowl doesn’t send the right message to a lot of guys. You can like it or not, but it’s true. Just ask the guys the next time you are out on the town.
Don’t think that means guys want you to be a wallflower. Most don’t. They want a girl who is alive and confident. They just want the thrill of the chase. They want a little bit of a challenge. Make it too easy, or make them feel like they are being pursued, and they are gone. Trust me, nothing is scarier to a guy than a girl that seems to be on a crazed mission to find a male of her species and breed.
Mistake #2 – The Speed Demon
It’s no secret that guys are notoriously scared of commitment. Sometimes a girl can make a mistake trying to set the world record for commitment. If you like the guy and you think there could be a future with him in your life; then go slow. Again, remember that guys like conquest. Let him go at his own pace or at least let him think he is going at his own pace. J
Mistake #3 – The Desperate
Sorry to have to bring this up! As much as we may wish it wasn’t true, getting intimate with a guy leads to emotional attachment. There are studies (I am sure you can find them if you want to.) that indicate that sexual intimacy produces an emotional bond in women toward the men they are intimate with. Ignoring this fact won’t help you. Getting intimate too soon can be a big mistake. You can find yourself in a relationship with a guy you are attached to, but don’t actually like! Talk about confusion! Take your time. If he’s worth it, he’ll wait.
Mistake #4 – The Storybook Romantic
Listen. There is no prince on a white horse. That guy might be awesome, but he isn’t royalty: unless of course, you are actually dating a prince, in which case you can disregard this point. The storybook fantasies are fun, but they are just fantasy. We live in the real world. Don’t set your expectations so high that the poor guy can’t live up. I mean, after all, you aren’t exactly Snow White either!
Mistake #5- The Sponge
No, I am not referring to money. I am talking about the girl who is just clingy and needy all the time. Guys want to be needed, but they also need their breathing room. A girl who wants to soak up all of his free time will come to be viewed in a less than favorable way. Let him know you enjoy being with him, but don’t overcrowd. Sponges are great when cleaning a bathroom, but they suck in relationships. (Hey, that pun wasn’t intentional, but it fits!)
Well, that’s my top 5 mistakes girl make. Do you see something that you would disagree with? If you are a guy reading this, (and I know guys are reading this) what mistakes girls make would you add? Do you have something that girls do that really drives you nuts? Take a minute and leave a comment below and let us know.